View a Slow Log

<p>This article describes how to view a slow log.</p> <p><span style="font-size:18px"><strong>Overview</strong></span></p> <p>A slow query log can record the statements whose execution time is longer than the threshold value long_query_time (default value is one sec) of the current slow log. You can view details of the slow query logs to find out the statements with low execution efficiency to optimize these statements.</p> <p>Ping An Cloud RDS MySQL service provides:</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp; Slow log query function. It is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp; &nbsp;The threshold value of a slow log is one sec by default. You can modify the value of long_query_time on <strong>Parameters</strong> tab.</p> <p>A general instance and read-only instance support slow log query.</p> <p><span style="font-size:18px"><strong>Prerequisites</strong></span></p> <p>You have successfully created an instance. For more information, see <a href="" target="_blank">Create a General Instance</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Create a Read-Only Instance</a>.</p> <p><span style="font-size:18px"><strong>Procedures</strong></span></p> <p>1.&nbsp; Log in to the <a href="" target="_blank">RDS Console</a>.</p> <p>2.&nbsp; In the left navigation pane, click <strong>RDS-MySQL</strong> to enter the <strong>DBPaaS for RDS-MySQL</strong> page.</p> <p>3.&nbsp; Select the target region.</p> <p>4.&nbsp; In the <strong>Operations </strong>column of the target instance, click <strong>Manage</strong>. Select <strong>Slow Log Management</strong> tab.</p> <p>5.&nbsp; You can also click <strong>Details</strong> of the target slow log to enter the <strong>Slow Log Details</strong> page and view slow log information.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:114px; width:830px" /></p> <p>6.&nbsp; You can set time segment to query the slow logs in the designated time period.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:171px; width:830px" /></p>
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