Automatic Renewal

<p><strong>Prerequisite</strong></p> <ul> <li>BMS instance hasn&rsquo;t expired.</li> <li>Balance in your linked account is sufficient.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Note</strong></p> <ul> <li>Auto-renewal is carried out once a day starting from seven days before BMS instance expires until the instance is renewed.</li> <li>On the day when BMS instance expires, auto-renewal is not available and you can only renew the subscription manually.</li> <li>Auto-renewal doesn&rsquo;t support the use of coupons.</li> <li>A successful auto-renewal extends your subscription for another month.</li> <li>Notice text message and email will be sent to you when an auto-renewal fails.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Expiration Notice</strong></p> <p>Notice text messages and emails will be sent to you seven days and three days before the service expires as well as on the day when the service expires.</p> <p><strong>Procedure</strong></p> <p>1. log in to<a href="#" target="_blank"> BMS Console.</a></p> <p>2. Click <strong>Instance </strong>in the left-side navigation pane.</p> <p>3. Select a target region, click <strong>︙ </strong>under the operation column in the target BMS instance.</p> <p>4. Click <strong>Set for Auto-renewal</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong></p> <p>If <strong>Successful Operation</strong> pops up under Instance Management, then the auto-renewal mode has been selected.</p>
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