Billing Problem

<p><strong>1. What are the billing methods for BMS?</strong></p> <p>You can purchase BMS on a subscription basis, namely by month or by year. You only need to pay for the usage time of BMS Instance without considering the usage of resources. If you want to know the detailed billing information, please refer to the Billing Overview.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>2. Does BMS support the Pay-As-You-Go model?</strong></p> <p>Currently, the Pay-As-You-Go model is not supported. If the business changes greatly, you are recommended to use the subscription method to select the automatic renewal. You can cancel it if you do not need BMS resources. Please refer to the Delete Instance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>3. What should I do if BMS expires without renewal?</strong></p> <p>If you want to continue using BMS Instance after it expires, you can renew it. If the fee is not renewed, the subscription instance can only be renewed manually. After the renewal is successful, the resources can continue to be used. If you do not renew the instance 7 days after it expires, the instances will be unavailable. For details of renewals, please refer to the Renewal Overview.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>4. If the account is in arrears, can BMS be renewed with a voucher?</strong></p> <p>After the account is in arrears, you need to recharge it by cash to continue using it. After the recharge is successful, you can use the voucher to renew the fee. Please refer to the Recharge Process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>5. I have already set the automatic renewal, but what happens if BMS Instance expires without renewal?</strong></p> <p>(1)BMS Instance will no longer perform automatic renewal operation from the date of expiration. Please ensure that the automatic renewal is set before the system operation starts the day before the expiration, otherwise the expiration renewal will start from the next month.</p> <p>(2) Check that the account balance is sufficient.</p> <p>(3) Manual renewals can only be carried out from and after the expiration date.</p>
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