General Questions

<p><strong>What Specifications Does VPN Gateway of Ping An Cloud Has?</strong></p> <p>Currently, VPN gateway with six bandwidth specifications of 2/5/10/20/50/100 Mbps are supported.</p> <p><strong>How Many VPN Connections Can Be Created in a VPN Gateway?</strong></p> <p>Every VPN gateway can only have one VPN connection.</p> <p><strong>Can a VPC Be Interconnected with Multiple Local Data Centers Through a VPN Connection?</strong></p> <p>Yes. Users can separately create VPN connections in multiple VPN gateways, and each VPN connection can be interconnected with a local data center.</p> <p><strong>What Is the Difference Between IPsec VPN Connection and Dedicated Access?</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;IPsec VPN creates encrypted channel between VPC of Ping An Cloud and tenant local data center with IPsec protocol, so as to realize interconnection. The purchase and configuration of VPN gateway are simple with less time and lower cost, but the VPN network quality is slightly worse compared with that of the dedicated access.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;Dedicated access provides dedicated, reliable, and high-quality Internet connection, but consumes more time and higher cost.</p> <p><strong>Can I Connect Two VPCs Through VPN Gateway?</strong></p> <p>Yes. You need to purchase VPN gateways in the two connected VPCs and create a VPN connection to create an encrypted connection between the two VPCs.</p> <p><strong>Why Cannot I Successfully Establish a VPN Connection?</strong></p> <p>The connection can be created only when the configuration parameters (IKE Configuration and IPsec Configuration) of the VPN gateway at the tenant local data center are the same with that of VPN connection of Ping An Cloud. Check whether the parameters of the two terminals are the same.</p> <p><strong>How to View Monitoring Details of the VPN Connection?</strong></p> <p>Users can enter Argus Console. In the left navigation pane, click <strong>Service Monitoring </strong>&gt; <strong>VPN Gateway</strong> to view monitoring details of the VPN gateway.</p> <p><strong>Can Users with Abnormal VPN Connections Receive Notice?</strong></p> <p>Yes. Argus will automatically provide monitoring service for VPN gateway, automatically bind to alarm template, and alarm when the VPN gateway is abnormal.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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