Configure Password Policies

To better protect user passwords, configure the password complexity policy and password expiration policy.

About this task

Important: Only master accounts have the privilege to configure password policies.


  1. Log in to the Console by using a master account.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click the drop-down menu after the username, and then select Account Info to enter the Account module.
  3. In the left navigation pane, select Security Settings > Password Policy.
  4. On the page that opens, configure the password complexity policy and password expiration policy.
    Configuration item Description

    Password complexity policy

    Minimum Number of Characters

    The password must contain a minimum of two types of characters among letters, digits, and special characters [+ -._? ^% $ # ()! ~]. The length of the password is 8 to 50 characters.

    Same Consecutive Characters Limits

    Set the maximum number of same consecutive characters. The value range is 2 to 50.

    Password Repetition Limit

    Set the number of most recent passwords that cannot be used as a new password. The value range is 1 to 5.

    Validity Limit

    Password validity Period

    Set the password validity period in days. The value range is 15 to 90.

  5. Click Apply.
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