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WiseAPM Browser uses JS codes embedded in the monitored website to collect and analyze full performance data of the website visited by real users, identifies root causes impacting user experience and helps you to continuously optimize website performance.
It is able to collect access data from real users and performance data from PC browsers, Hybird APP, HTML and HTML5 pages in WeChat.
It is able to choose suitable entry points from five dimensions including geographical location, domain name, carrier, operating system and browser type to compare and analyze data, in order to satisfy diverse statistical demands.
It snapshots slow pages as per the threshold configuration defined by users and provides diverse indicators that cover network processing time of every page element.
It collects the data of real users in real time and continuously receives sample data. The smallest data collection cycle is 1 minute. It sends out alerts as per the configured threshold by users and provides real-time insights of HTML5 page performance.
Ping An Health
Ping An Life Insurance
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